no longer music
„...and then one night I asked god: Hey god, what am i gonna be? And god told me: Your gonna start a band. And I said how could I start a band, I mean I don’t even play any kind of musical instrument. But deep in my heart I knew god wanted me to be the singer of the band. So later we started this band called “no longer music”. One day we would play at this anarchy festival and I was afraid coz I knew there were gonna be a hell lotta insane people. So I asked this organizer of this anarchy festival if our band could play in the beginning, when people are not yet that messed up. But no rules at an anarchy festival. We were about to play after some band called “the children of satan”. Yea and I was scared but somehow I felt Jesus wouldn’t let me down. So before we started playing I went down on my knees and started singing this song “Oh my Jesus…” without any music playing. In some awfully destroying way people started shouting and spitting at me and I just waited for someone to come up and kick me in the face. But then when we started playing I suddenly felt all the power of god coming down on me like I never did before. Suddenly the crowd would sing with us, would take part in the loving energy field that we sending out by giving our deepest potential. Later people would come to us and thank us for the force we gave them, for the deep experience we spread out on the crowd. There were people crying, people who aren’t even follower of Jesus. Hey I’m telling you they weren’t even follower of Jesus!!! Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because I want you to ask yourself if you really know Jesus! Do you really know Jesus or do you just know about Jesus? Be honest to yourself. Because I mean, its not about praying three times a day or learning the bible by hard. Its about having a relationship with god, its about feeling god right here in your heart. Everybody! Be honest to yourself, truly ask yourself if you deeply love Jesus or if you have never loved him? Is that so then humble yourself and come here to the front and go on your knees infront of jesus! Come to the front now!
Wie auf Kommando versammelten sich an die 20 Gläubigen der jugendlichen Christengemeinde Leipzig um David Pierce und warfen sich vor Jesus auf die Knie. Die plötzlich so splitternackte Atmosphäre eingebettet in den kirchlichen Raum starrte mir gandenlos mit zerrender Kraft in die Augen. Mit der Aufforderung von Pierce begannen einzelne mit zitternde Stimme ihre flehenden Worte in den Raum zu entsenden, an Gott zu richten. Abscheu, Neugier; Sanftmut, Arroganz, Liebe krochen aus der weinenden Stimmung in mein Bewusstsein, sponnen mich ein in eine Erfahrung die Herz und Verstand verknotete, umherwirbelte in keuchender Luft . Wenn auch nicht persönlich bekannte, so doch Brüder und Schwestern, Kommilitonen meiner Generation knien klagend mit gebeugten Kopf vor Gott. Werfen sich nieder vor dem Wort eines selbstbewussten Mannes. Hoffen und Beten mit geballten Fäusten um den wirklichen Glauben, demütigen sich mit geneigtem Kopf für ein Leben voll Sünde, flehen mit zerklirrenden Gesichtsausdrücken nach Jesus um ihn diesmal wirklich und vollkommen in ihr Leben empfangen zu können...........Der große erlösende Schmerz blieb aus, der Urknall stand weinend im Raum. Die Zeit blieb aufrecht stehen....
Till, you made my day!
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am grateful for the generous sharing of whole Books, downloading and ready to read...
let's see if i can transplant this vibrance into the proberaum....
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